Back to the Basics: The Foundation of Gun Safety


There’s no excuse for not knowing these three elements of handgun safety. There’s more to concealed carry than a holster, a handgun, and ammo. Proper gun safety starts with a solid foundation.

Have a Positive Attitude
If you asked a thousand handgun owners about the essential elements of handgun safety, odds are good that only a few of them would mention a positive attitude. It gets frequently overlooked, and for that reason we’ve made it our first rule of handgun safety.

There are myths out there and stereotypes about handgun owners that depict them in a negative light. Too many people have this idea that owning a handgun means that you think that attacks and threats wait behind every door and that killing is the only solution. As handgun owners, we know that is simply not true.

Negative emotions like anger and depression can lead to misuse of handguns. Be cautious of how you feel when you’re carrying concealed. Make sure you’re mentally prepared to carry concealed. A calm and collected mentality will always result in good decision making.

Be a Student of the Gun
If you were raised in a household that encouraged hunting and recreational shooting, you’ve already had a great start at practicing handgun safety. If someone taught you how to respect and use all types of firearms, you’re fortunate to have had such a good role model. But don’t let this fool you into thinking that you’ve learned all there is to learn about guns and how to use them.

We might think that many years of carrying concealed, target practice, and hunting have taught us all we need to know. Some might think that reading and learning about handgun laws, gun technology, and current issues is only for new gun owners. The truth is, we all must become students of the gun. Carrying concealed means that you’re taking your life and the lives of others into your hands. There is great power and responsibility in this.

Keep up with handgun blogs and publications. Participate in discussions about gun issues respectfully and consider the viewpoints of others. Your ability to talk about carrying concealed in an intelligent way will do a lot for promoting a positive image of concealed carry. Building your knowledge will also result in better respect for guns and therefore better safety.

Develop a Specific Set of Skills
Knowledge and skills are two very different things. Someone can talk for hours about the history of baseball and current statistics but not be able to hit a baseball with a bat to save his life. Simply knowing the facts is only part of handgun safety.

As handgun owners, it’s up to us to demonstrate safe and practiced firearm use. The best way to build those skills is though constant practice. We can’t reiterate this fact enough. Our muscles and brains learn to move quickly and efficiently only though building muscle memory. The way to do this is practice movements over and over again.

Time spent practicing at the range is vital to being prepared when the time comes to use your concealed weapon. There are plenty of options and ways to practice even while you’re at home. Involving your family is another way to not only practice, but also be a positive role model to young people.

Too few gun owners realize that they are an ambassador for gun ownership in America. Demonstrating proper technique and safety precautions shows children how to respect firearms and shows other citizens that there is nothing to be afraid of. We do have the constitutional right to own firearms, but doing so safely and responsibly is what really gives us power.


