How to Engage Multiple Attackers


Coming under attack is stressful enough, so imagine how fast you must make decisions when you are attacked by multiple people.  In this newsletter, we will give you tips on proper movement and firing techniques that could save your life.

Movement is key.

When multiple attackers are approaching you, it is best to move in the direction that will put the attackers in a straight line with your body.  By placing your attackers directly ahead of you and  in a straight line, you reduce the range of motion you need to move your firearm to engage each attacker, saving time and allowing for a more accurate shot on the second attacker.

If your immediate environment does not allow you to place your attackers directly in front of you, the movement of your firearm becomes very important.  If the first attacker is approaching from your 2 o’clock and the second attacker is approaching from your 10 o’clock, you absolutely do not want to transition with your firearm first.  Instead, move your eyes to the second attacker first, allowing your firearm to follow.  Moving your eyes first helps prevent your firearm from moving past the second attacker from sheer momentum.

Prioritizing attackers as they approach.

One of your attackers has a shotgun while the other has a pistol – which do you engage first?  The answer depends on how far away each weapon is away from you.  A shotgun is obviously more devastating from a close range than a pistol, but if the shotgun is considerably further away from you than the pistol, engage the attacker with the pistol first.  When multiple attackers are closing in, you must quickly decide which is the most dangerous based on their distance from you as well as the type of weapon in their possession.

Timing each attacker.

The more attackers you have, the less time you have to engage each one.  If you have two or more attackers approaching, you may only have time to pull the trigger once for each attacker.  It is for this reason that regular shooting practice is important – you simply do not have the time to be inaccurate.  If your shot is not centered, the best you can hope for is that your shot was enough to be a behavior changer, and forces your attacker to run the opposite direction.


Next time you go shooting, place targets at different distances and angles from you.  Practice moving while drawing your firearm so you do not fumble around in a real-life situation.  Practice moving your eyes first from the first target to the second.  Have a friend say what type of weapon each target has just as you begin so you can practice prioritizing attackers.

Practice and follow these tips so you can protect yourself and loved ones should you fall under attack by multiple individuals.  As always, be sure to watch our training videos to reinforce proper firearm techniques.

