3 Things Women Must Know Before Carrying Concealed


Look out bad guys. The rates of women carrying concealed is on the rise, and they’re trained to be deadly accurate.

1. Ladies Only Trainings Offer Specialized Information

Many women are choosing to attend “Ladies Only” firearms trainings, finding the setting a little less intimidating. Many women just learning about firearms find that a class with a slower pace actually help them become more comfortable.

Many women’s only classes start with classroom instruction, slowly building a comfort level with the new firearm. Some women feel that general classes move quickly and instructors expect too much right away.

At the outset, firearms instruction requires some hands-on lessons. Touching a student’s hands to adjust grip, for example, could be an uncomfortable situation. It reduces the effectiveness of the training.

2. One Size Gun Does Not Fit All

Choosing a concealed carry weapon takes time and patience. You must carry one that is easy to grip and does not cause you to struggle with recoil.

Stretching your finger to reach the trigger or problems drawing quickly can waste precious time and effort. Even small things can drastically reduce accuracy and speed.

A large-caliber handgun that you can’t securely control is not more effective than a smaller-caliber firearm you can fire accurately. If the gun is causing pain after firing or is uncomfortable to carry, you’ll be less likely to carry regularly.

3. Consider Concealed Carry Specific Accessories

Of course, men must also do this, but women’s fashion in general requires some additional considerations. Concealed carry should be a regular practice, and it’s most effective when done every day.

Men’s casual and dress pants are fairly accommodating for waistband and pocket holsters, but women’s clothing can be less so. Consider clothing like jackets and undergarments that are designed specifically for concealed carry.

If you choose to carry off-body in a bag or purse, choose bags that are designed for concealed carry. Simply stashing a gun in a bag with other items is very dangerous and limits your ability to keep yourself safe.

The numbers of women carrying concealed is rising every day, and that only makes our communities more safe. Keep these suggestions in mind when you’re purchasing a gun or signing up for a training for optimum safety and security.

