Quick tips to better your shot.


How much training do you think is required to become a good shot?  We believe there is no such thing as too much training, and there is always room for improvement. Dedicate yourself to the quick tips below to become a better shot, and protect your life when you need an accurate shot the most.

Practice live fire skills twice a week
If you want to improve your shot, nothing but live fire practice will help.  Dedicate the time for two firing sessions a week.  Save your ammunition (and you wallet) by limiting the total rounds for practice to 100 a week.

Practice with the firearm you intend to carry concealed
Practicing with a different firearm(s) each time you head to the range will not improve your accuracy with your concealed carry firearm.  You need to practice enough with your concealed carry firearm that your motions from drawing to firing are from muscle memory.

Attend extra training courses by different instructors
If there are opportunities to take courses by different instructors in your area, take advantage.  Every instructor will have a unique way of delivering information, so you may pick up something from a different instructor that you never thought of before.  If you can afford to take extra classes, try to make it at least one new instructor a month or every-other month.

Keep your training schedule consistent
Sticking to a set schedule of training will make it easier on yourself to stay committed. It is a lot easier to practice twice a week if you know you will heading to the range on Tuesday and Thursday at 5:30 than going whenever you feel like it.

Likewise, keep your practice sessions consistent.  If you practice your draw to fire motion the same way over and over, you will establish a rhythm with your body so when the time comes to protect your life, your motion will be effortless.

Practice with dummy rounds or snap caps
Some folks will still call this dry-fire and refuse to train this way.  If you believe your firearm is fine to do, practice daily.  Consult your firearm’s owner’s manual if you are not sure.

If you don’t believe in dry fire, at least take 10 to 15 minutes a day to just prepare yourself mentally to protecting yourself.  What would you do if attacked from behind? What would you use to take over on the sidewalk?  Only you know your daily routine the best.  Consider how you would defend yourself in various locations you go about your day.

As the old saying goes, if you want to improve, practice, practice, practice.  If you are not practicing regularly, you are putting yourself at risk by not being able to handle your firearm quickly and efficiently when under attack and your adrenaline is pumping.

Practice regularly, improve your accuracy, and defend yourself quickly and safely when you need to the most.

Check out American Concealed’s Shot Correcting Target Poster. This training target diagnoses common shooting mistakes to help you fire more accurately.

