Should you use a suppressor?


As suppressors become more popular, more individuals begin to try and use them with their concealed firearm. Below are a few points to consider before using a suppressor on the firearm you use to carry concealed.

Ease of Concealment

Depending on your firearm and which brand of suppressor you purchase, expect the overall length of your firearm to increase by six inches or more. Depending on your body type or where you conceal your firearm, this may be too much of an increase to comfortably conceal.

Some folks may think, “Well, I can just carry the firearm and the suppressor separately and put them together when I need them.” When you have a split second to make a decision that can save your life, there is no time to attach a suppressor to your firearm. No attacker will wait for you.

If you insist on carrying concealed with a suppressor, make sure it is legal to do so in your state, and figure out an effective way to keep it concealed but easy to access at the same time.

Noise reduction

Suppressors certainly do reduce the sound of a bullet firing, but no suppressor will make that small explosion entirely silent. That being said, if you are in a confined area, a suppressor may help reduce the risk of hearing damage from the sound reverberating off your surroundings.

If you are using a suppressor on the firearm used to defend your home, the investment may be worth the cost. Besides potentially reducing the chance for hearing damage for yourself, you also decrease the risk of hearing damage to those living in your home, such as your children, spouse, or other friends/family.

Another benefit to noise reduction when using a suppressor on your home defense firearm is that you could potentially conceal your location more easily against intruders. Even if the suppressor keeps intruders from recognizing your location for a split second, it could be enough to save your life.

Increased stability

A suppressor extends the length of your firearm’s barrel, so the bullet should remain more stable as it travels towards its target – assuming your shooting stance and trigger squeeze are solid. Increased stability does not mean increased accuracy. The bullet will only be as accurate as the shooter’s ability. If you trust your stance and trigger squeeze, an extended barrel length should help prevent the bullet from naturally deviating before hitting its target.

Using a suppressor may help you defend yourself is certain situations, but for many folks who carry concealed, the added length to the firearm is a deal breaker. The added cost of a suppressor will also stop many people from obtaining one. If you think a suppressor may be right for you, be sure to check your state’s laws to be certain you may own one legally. Be sure to practice, practice, practice with your suppressor, as it will noticeably change how your firearm feels when aiming and squeezing the trigger.

