Before you head to the shooting range, it’s essential to make sure you’re carrying the right gear in your range bag.
1. Gun and Ammunition. Make sure your firearm is unloaded and is kept separate from the ammunition. Follow the range rules for carrying and securing your firearms or you’ll put yourself and other shooters in danger, not to mention some nasty glances from other shooters.
2. Eye and Ear Protection. Regular shooting practice over many years can cause significant damage to your hearing. Oil, dirt, or projectiles can permanently damage your eyesight, even from other shooter’s firearms. Don’t cut corners. Use the best hearing and eye protection you can afford.
3. Holsters. If you’re practicing with your everyday concealed carry firearm, make sure you pack the holster you typically wear so that you’re accustomed to the way it performs.
4. Extra Batteries. Carry extra batteries for your ear protection and other battery-operated accessories like shot timers.
5. Gun Oil. Gun oil is always good to have on hand so you don’t have to cut your visit to the range short because of a dry gun.
6. Leatherman Multi-Tool and Screwdriver Sets. Carry a multi-tool and screwdriver sets just in case you need to make adjustments while you’re at the range.
7. First Aid Kit. It’s always a good idea to have a small first aid kit with you so you’ll have plenty of bandages and ointment available in case of cuts or scrapes. Add in sunscreen and insect repellent as well. Sunburn or bug bites can quickly put an end to a good day of training.
8. Targets. Bringing your own targets is a good way to add variety to your experience. If you’re using your own paper targets a stapler and staples may be useful. See our post outlining some of the variety of targets that are available.
9. Squib Rod. If a bullet or casing gets stuck in the barrel of the gun, you can use a squib rod to dislodge it.
10. Flashlight. A flashlight or tactical light will come in handy in case you need to make fine adjustments or repairs while at the range.
11. Notebook and Pen. Carrying a notebook and pen will let you scribble down notes about your experience and performance.
12. Disposable Wipes. When you’re at a shooting range, you’re going to end up with lead or other heavy metal particles on your hands. Disposable wipes are easy to carry and do a decent job of removing the gunk from your skin.
Some shooting ranges may have specific requirements, such as requiring empty chamber indicators. Before you visit a range, make sure you know their rules and policies. Are you prepping for your first time at the range? If so, read our article about what to expect at your first range experience.