Did you know it’s possible that a dangerous situation can be controlled by just one shot from your CCW? You may end up in a situation that requires the fight of your life.
If you’re serious about self-protection, improving your physical fitness and following these training tips may just save your life.
Concealed carry allows you to protect yourself regardless of your physical fitness or disability. Even so, everyone benefits from a little extra training to improve their ability to maintain their strength and composure while under attack.
1 – Increase Your Physical Strength
Obviously, if you’re attacked, physical strength will give you an advantage over a physically weaker opponent—and will make you less likely to be targeted in the first place. In a real-world situation, you run the risk of becoming fatigued if you have to hold your weapon out for an extended period of time
Upper body strength and core strength can also help minimize the strain you feel from a strong recoil. Make sure you work out your upper body.
If you don’t have a gym, a combination of pushups, pullups and lifts with free weights. Practiced on a regular basis, biceps curls, forearm curls, shoulder presses and triceps curls will really improve your strength and stamina.
2 – Slow it Down
With firearm training, you will benefit from slowing down your practice and pay a lot of attention to your movement and accuracy. This technique will solidify your muscle memory, which will kick in if you’re in a true self-defense situation.
Even if you’ve been training for years, you’ll still benefit from a warm up before every session. Attention to detail sets the novices apart from the experts.
3 – Practice with Intention
Don’t let yourself get lazy with your weapons training. Your reactions in a self-defense situation will depend largely on the way you’ve practiced. Dry firing is an effective exercise to practice off the range, and can help you develop the perfect trigger press.
Visualize yourself in a dangerous situation and practice your reactions. Enroll in tactical training courses to build your gun-handling skills and practice different shooting positions. Bringing purpose and intention to your training will prepare you mentally and physically should you need to use your CCW in a self-defense situation.