Many handgun owners are not using the correct concealed carry holster. This mistake could be have fatal consequences. Follow these guidelines to be sure that you’re using the correct holster for concealed carry.
Handgun Holsters With Trigger Protection
A concealed carry holster that doesn’t provide enough trigger protection can be deadly for the wrong reasons. Gun safety trainings like the ones offered by American Concealed point out that accidental trigger pulls are a primary safety concern.
- A concealed carry holster protects the trigger from getting caught on clothing. If the gun needs to be drawn quickly the trigger should not be in danger of snags in a pocket, belt, or purse.
- A finger should never be on the trigger unless there is intent to destroy. A quality concealed carry holster helps keep your fingers in the correct place while drawing. Accidental or not, touching the trigger and engaging the gun before it’s necessary can have deadly consequences.
Safe and Secure Concealed Carry Holsters
The ability to access a secure holster is a top priority. The correct holster should be trustworthy and dependable. Concealed carry holsters should be safe and accessible in a variety of circumstances.
- Concealed carry gun holsters should not move or relocate during everyday movements. Even the slightest shift in movement can cause skin irritation and make carrying uncomfortable. Concealed carry is not possible if it’s annoying and painful.
- If the holster moves from its original location even the slightest bit, the carrier is already in grave danger. Trips to the firing range for practice firing and drawing will be useless if the holster has moved during motion.
Location of Concealed Carry Holsters
Check your local concealed carry laws before choosing a concealed carry gun holster. Many states have regulations, or a lack of them, when it comes to exactly where a concealed carry holster can be located and what it can look like.
- Concealed weapons should not be in any way visible to any bystander. If a concealed carry holster is visible during any everyday movements it must be corrected. Actions like running or removing bags and coats should never reveal a gun’s location.
- Concealed carry holsters protect against printing. This can be true for a pocket carry holster. The correct holster leaves a smooth impression on the outside of pants or bags that does not indicate a concealed firearm.
- On-the -Body or Off-the-Body concealed carry: A handgun can be concealed either in a holster on a person’s body or in a bag or other location. It is up to the person to decide which method they wish to use, but the holster should fit comfortably and stay concealed. Opening a backpack or purse to get an item should not reveal the location of a concealed handgun.
How a Concealed Carry Holster Protects Over Time
Exposure to dust and debris will ruin a concealed handgun. Even the smallest items can make a concealed carry handgun useless when it’s needed the most.
- Dirt, dust, and other small particles can ruin a concealed carry handgun over time. Small things like these can damage the gun’s basic functions and small moving parts. A concealed carry holster protects the gun from tiny damaging particles.
- Small items like keys, paper clips, or coins will have a terrible effect on a concealed handgun. They can damage the gun’s components and can make the gun malfunction. An item like a forgotten paper clip can inhibit a trigger pull and that mistake can cost a life.
Don’t overlook the importance of a proper concealed carry gun holster. Take the time to consult with professionals about which style of holster is best for you. Attend gun safety and familiarization trainings to ensure that a small mistake in choosing a concealed carry holster doesn’t have big consequences.