Can Gun Locks Prevent Shooting Accidents?


Detroit police have called the December 29 death of a nine -year -old boy in an accidental shooting. Details about how the boy found and discharged the gun are still unclear, but the incident still plays on the conscious of many gun owners.

When police arrived on the scene that chilly night in Michigan, the boy had a gunshot wound to the face and was dead when he arrived at the hospital. Other children and teens were in the house but they are still too traumatized to give police an accurate description of what happened. The boy’s stepfather stepped out of the house for a short time and returned to terrible tragedy.

Photos of the scene show yellow police tape floating in the cold air and the solemn faces of investigating officers. Incidents like this accidental death of a child should inspire gun owners to reexamine the safety measures they have in place to protect their loved ones from harm.

Gun locks are a good way to keep your firearms safe at home. These locks are for additional safety, not to substitute for locked storage. Two popular locks for handguns are available, the trigger lock and the cable lock. For any gun lock, the locked gun should not be loaded.

The Trigger Lock rests around the trigger and guard. It requires a key or combination to access the trigger of the firearm. Double check that the gun is not loaded, then secure the lock. A small bar should enter behind the trigger and prevent it from discharging the gun. Review the instructions again to be sure that it was installed correctly. Trigger locks that are incorrectly installed can actually make the gun more dangerous.

A Cable Gun Lock is another safety option. For autoloading pistols, double check that the gun is not loaded, remove the magazine, and lock the slide. The cable runs up the magazine well and out the ejector port. For a revolver, run the cable through the barrel or the open cylinder chamber to make the gun impossible to load and fire.

Cable gun locks and trigger locks should be used to add an extra level of safety to a firearm that is already unloaded and out of reach of children. They should not be used to secure your gun case or car safe or to deter thieves. There are many more secure and solid options for safely storing your firearms in a locked container.

Don’t let disaster finally make you consider adding safety options to the guns in your home. The loss of a child’s life to accidental gun firing is a tragic event. Respect the power of the handguns in your home by making them safe and secure.




