Some gun enthusiasts also have a penchant for knives and swords. But can you carry them along with your gun? First let’s take a look at some different types of knives.
Fixed-blade: A knife without a folding mechanism, your kitchen knives for example.
Folding knife: A knife where the blade folds into its handle, like what’s in your tackle box.
Switchblade: Has a blade which opens automatically by hand pressure applied to a button or other device in the handle of the knife, or by operation of inertia, gravity, or both.
Assisted-Opening Knife: A folding knife which requires you to exert force on the blade in order for it to open, but which assists that opening with a spring or mechanism once you have applied force to the blade.
Gravity Knife: A folding knife where the blade opens by force of inertia.
Bowie Knife: A long knife with a blade double-edged at the point, common in adventure movies.
Stiletto: A very thin knife with a long, slender blade that’s designed to stab.
Dagger: A knife with sharpened edges on both sides, historically used for close combat.
Just like a gun, there are places you cannot carry your knife: Schools, courts, planes, most federal buildings and similar institutions of state or local government. You aren’t supposed to take a knife onto a military installation unless you’re a member of the Armed Services. Also abide by any posted signs.
Knife carry laws prohibit people from carrying concealed certain knives, knives of a certain length, for example. Open carry of that same knife may be permitted. Some states do not allow the carry of certain knives, period. Naturally these laws vary from state to state, and mostly apply to the length of the blade. Your CCW permit has no impact on your ability to carry a knife.