You may wonder if you’ll be able to carry a concealed permit with a prior record. Unfortunately, there isn’t one answer that covers everyone who has a prior record. It depends on what you’ve been convicted with and what state you are currently residing in and where you want to obtain a permit.
The following are some misdemeanors that can prevent someone from obtaining a permit for carrying a concealed weapon:
Marijuana possession or paraphernalia possession pending misdemeanor charge
Misdemeanor drug conviction
First and fourth degree domestic violence conviction
“Offenses of violence” conviction
Child endangerment
Negligent assault
Resisting arrest
Disorderly conduct
Default on child support
Violent crime felony
Anyone convicted or charged with a violent crime felony in which he/she has harmed or murdered someone cannot obtain a concealed carry permit. Only those involved in non-violent felony crimes may be eligible for a permit. However, there may be a waiting period of 10 years from the date of the conviction.
Moving to Another State
It may be possible to obtain a permit from another state if your current state does not allow you to because of your record. It’s best to find out the eligibility requirements of that state before making the move.
How to Find Out What Your State’s Eligibility Requirements Are for Prior Records
The best way to find out if you can obtain a concealed carry permit is to contact the issuing office.
It’s always a good idea to speak to a lawyer – this is true of people without prior record, too. A lawyer can help you understand what you can and cannot do with a concealed weapon, so you don’t get in trouble with the law. They can also help ease your mind if you’re feeling as though you may be targeted because you have a prior record. This can come in handy if you are pulled over and either volunteer the information about carrying or are asked if you are carrying. Another good idea is once you’ve formed a relationship with a lawyer is to program his/her number into your phone. If there’s ever a problem, you can quickly call to check on the right course of action.
Exercise Your Right to Carry
Despite a prior record, you may still be able to carry a concealed weapon. Unless you were convicted or charged with a violent crime, your state may allow you to obtain a permit. You won’t know unless you contact them, but remember to also contact a lawyer.