Democrats Will Try to Block National Concealed Carry Reciprocity Permit


Since the November 8th election, we’ve been wondering what a Trump presidency may mean for gun owners.

He has said he would implement a national right to carry law, he states. We have some misgivings because how this might play out is unclear. Read our recent post about what we think might go wrong with a national permit. the problem is we’re just not sure how this will play out and what the future outcomes might be.

The national permit seems like a brilliant idea. With a driver’s license from any state you can drive all across the country without issue. That is not the case with licenses for concealed handguns, for reasons we do not fully understand.

But with only 52 Republicans in the Senate and 60 votes needed to stop a filibuster, Democrats are promising to block any national concealed carry reciprocity permit.  On November 23, 2016, the Wall Street Journal wrote this:
Peter Ambler, executive director of Americans for Responsible Solutions, a gun control super PAC, said his organization plans to fight national reciprocity “tooth and nail,” threatening a Democratic filibuster of the legislation in the Senate. “It’s a race to the bottom,” he said. “It allows people that have permits from states with the weakest standards possible to carry [weapons] in the streets of any U.S. city.”

Connecticut Sen. Richard Blumenthal, a Democrat and ardent gun-control advocate, said he believes any version of a national reciprocity bill would be “dead on arrival” in the Senate, due to strong Democratic opposition.

