We kind of already knew this right? Research just published shows that 98% of mass shootings occur in gun-free zones. It seems pretty obvious to us, that if you’re a criminal you look for gun-free zones because you know the people in them will be less likely (a lot less likely) to have a firearm. Check out the article we published in November: “What ‘No Guns Allowed’ Really Means to a Criminal.”
Well, in no big surprise, the Crime Prevention Center has shown research looking at gun shootings from the 1950s through July 10, 2016. 98.4% of mass shootings, like the one at the Fort Lauderdale airport, occur in gun-free zones. Only 1.6% of mass shootings have occurred where people are allowed to be armed.
The CPRC only counts mass shootings if they meet the FBI’s criteria, which means, shootings in public places, not gang- or drug-related, commercial areas, schools, parks, government properties, churches (all houses of worship) and health care facilities.