One of the best, easiest – and cheapest – activities you can do, particularly as a new shooter, is dry fire training. It saves you a ton of money on ammunition and is something you can do comfortably and safely in your home. When it’s convenient to do, you’re more likely to do it.
First, and most important, is to set up a safety habit. NEVER have any live ammunition in the area where you are training. Make absolutely certain your firearm is unloaded. Choose a safe area to practice in.
To dry fire, you can simply practice with your unloaded firearm, racking the slide each time, and slowly squeezing the trigger. This is the least expensive option. However, here are two items in particular that can help you with your dry fire routine.
The first is the Dry Fire Mag. There are three choices. Two are for a Glock (standard and large frame) and one is for the Smith & Wesson M&P. Dry Fire Mags for other brands are in development.

Shipping is very fast, and from the time you open the box until you have the dry fire mag in your handgun, including reading the directions, is about a minute. Seriously, it’s that simple to understand and use. The first pull of the trigger is a long one as it sets, but then after that, it’s a lighter, easier pull. You get the chance to really learn your trigger pull, along with keeping your hand grip set. Otherwise, when you have to constantly rack the slide, you’re moving your hands off the grip and away from the trigger.
You don’t have to worry about getting your Dry Fire Mag mixed up with your regular magazines as the Dry Fire Mag has a bright orange base plate. The Dry Fire Mag is a simple way to practice trigger control without having to constantly rack your handgun. It costs $99.00 ($109.00 for the large frame Glock), but the money you’ll be saving on ammo will make it pay for itself very quickly. Military and LEO discounts are available.
You could just practice with the Dry Fire Mag, but why not add to it with Dry Fire Training Cards ($17.00 on Amazon), a box of cards the sizes of playing cards, that give you drills to help improve your shooting.
From basics such as practicing “SLOW Drawstroke” to advanced such as “Glove & Fat Finger Training” you’ll learn a variety of skills. There are also drills for movement, exercising, and low light situations. With 51 different drills, all color-coded by type of activity, you’ll be able to choose a different exercise every day and never get bored.
So kick it up a notch with the Dry Fire Mag combined with Dry Fire Training Cards to increase your likelihood of practicing dry fire and improving your shooting skills.
All photos by Nancy Keaton