Holiday Gatherings? 10 Ways to Explain Your Concealed Carry


With July 4th around the corner and summer being barbecue season, there’s bound to be times when you find yourselves around people who aren’t aware that you may be armed or don’t understand concealed carry. There are two ways you can handle the situation.

One, you can hope that your CCW is well-hidden enough that no one knows you’re carrying. Or two, you can prepare to engage in a conversation about it if it comes up.

Permit holders do their best to keep their concealed weapons exactly that: concealed. But what if your gun “prints” and someone asks you about it? What if someone who knows you carry inadvertently brings it up? Skillfully handling the conversation may make the situation more comfortable for everyone.

1. Tell people who know about your CCW how you want the topic handled. If you don’t want your gun, your concealed carry permit or your training to be a topic of conversation, tell them. They should respect your wishes, but if not, remind them that it’s legal and it’s your choice.

2. Tell people you avoid dangerous situations and don’t ignore safety. You’re not a loose cannon who wants to pull her gun out every chance she gets. You avoid dangerous situations and your gun is for a last resort.

3. You don’t think you’re a cop or a superhero. You’re not hanging out at the convenience store all the time just hoping it gets robbed. Again, your gun is for a last resort. Remind them that people who have taken the time and effort to get a concealed carry permit and are trained are, in general, law-abiding citizens.

4. You take the responsibility seriously. As a CCW gun holder, you are aware of the great responsibility of the weapon you carry. You are trained, permitted and fully aware that if you pull out your gun you are responsible for what happens.

5. Offer to take them to the gun range with you. If they are curious or even if they are angry, offer to share some of your experiences with them.

6. You recognize not everyone wants to carry. For those who don’t want to, not carrying is the right choice. But as a law-abiding citizen you are comfortable exercising your right to carry. Again, remind them that it’s legal, it’s your choice and your gun is for a last resort.

7. Remind them that a concealed carry holder might save their life one day. Criminals take their guns everywhere. Bad people have guns, so you believe that good people should have guns too.

8.  Remind them that your concealed weapon is out of reach of anyone else who might try to grab it. You keep it concealed so no one else knows it’s there. Because you are using a proper, high-quality holster, it is not easily accessible to anyone but you. 

9. You don’t want to be a victim. Whether you live in a high-crime neighborhood or not, criminals are everywhere and you want to be prepared in any event.

10. Be respectful. Don’t be a hothead who wants to get into a heated verbal argument with someone who is anti-gun. Keep repeating yourself if necessary, and remain calm. Try and hear their concerns and see if you can answer them with facts.

