I read the headline about a “wannabe Joker” in Florida who was waving a gun at people. I didn’t think much about it until I saw the photo of the guy. And, yeah. As you can see, he has used tattoos to make himself look like the Joker. Well, his crime wasn’t considered a joke.
Lawrence Patrick Sullivan, who tattooed his face and died his hair green to look like the Joker, is 29 years old. He walked out of an apartment complex in Miami with a handgun loaded with six rounds of ammunition and began pointing the gun at passing cars.
He was arrested and taken to a detention center. He admitted that he had a gun but denied that he was waving it around. His version of the story is that he had his gun in his pocket while he walked his dog, because he “wants to be safe.” He later told reporters that he didn’t actually have a gun at all, that he had a knife. He said the handgun is registered in his name, but that he didn’t need a permit because “we live in America.”
That’s true dude, but unfortunately, whether we agree that we need a permit to carry or not, if you don’t play by the rules you’re gonna lose the game.
Sullivan has vowed to fight the gun charge. His family apparently believes in him. “He’s a good kid. You know. He has a lot of tattoos,” his mother told CBS Miami. “But he’s a nice kid with some problems. He is mentally disabled and is handicapped.” His sister said, “He’s just playing a character. I warned him that people would take it the wrong way.”