South Dakota is making negative progress in the gun rights department. We recently reported on the fact that a bill under consideration in North Dakota would allow people to carry guns in churches, schools and other public places where they previously could not. We’ll keep you posted on the outcome of that legislation. But in the meantime, we have learned that South Dakota’s Republican governor, Dennis Daugaard, rejected two bills that would have loosened restrictions on carrying concealed guns in the state.
On March 18, Daugaard vetoed one bill to let people carry concealed handguns without a permit and the other to allow concealed weapons in the Capitol building. Daugaard had previously warned that he would veto the permitless carry bill, saying that he didn’t think it was necessary.
“As a longtime member of the NRA, I support the right to bear arms,” Daugaard said in his veto letter for the permitless carry bill. “It is paramount that our state protect the rights of our citizens while at the same time protecting the lives of our citizens. I believe our current laws appropriately protect both interests, and I ask that you sustain my veto.”
Supporters of the bill say they will continue to keep trying to change the laws, either by overriding the veto or introducing new bills next year. Daugaard is in his second term as governor of the state, and has said that he will leave politics when his term is up. Daugaard also rejected a permitless carry bill in 2012. Daugaard has revealed himself to be a more moderate Republican than many others in state politics were happy with.