It’s one of the central elements of concealed carry. Regular practice is what keeps skills sharp and the mind focused.
But if you don’t follow the rules of perfect practice, your range time will be wasted.
1. Dress For Any Possible Situation
Clothes that keep you comfortable are essential for range time, but remember that they aren’t usually what you’re wearing when carrying. Stay dry, comfortable, and don’t restrict your movement with tight clothing.
Practice drawing and firing while wearing the uniform or the outfits you would normally wear. This helps you stay familiar with your draw and the gun’s concealed location.
2. Always, Always Add Variety
No practice session is complete without a variety of skill-building drills. Remember to fire from positions other than low ready, so as to best simulate real-life scenarios.
Armed self-defense requires mental agility and emotional stability. Stay focused while you’re at the range and set goals for your speed and accuracy.
3. Build Muscle Memory by Going Back to the Basics
Muscle memory is real, and building it pays off. As you move through familiar motions your brain learns to act without thinking. This is central to armed self-defense.
This process is best completed when the fundamental movements and decisions are perfected and safe. No matter how long you’ve been shooting, get back to the basics and refine your handling procedures.
4. Compete to Stay Sharp and Positive
This final rule is often overlooked. One of the fundamental rules of handgun safety is to have a positive attitude when handling guns. Nothing keeps things positive better than a little ehalthy competition.
Challenge your friends with an electronic shot timer or phone app that records firing speed. Become familiar with other types of firearms by trying out a friend’s gun or renting a new piece at the range. Bring a small measuring device and compete for the closest group at different distances.
Follow these four rules of the range and you’ll see your speed and accuracy increase. You’ll also enjoy range time more, and that leads to more confident carry.