These Statistics will Bust Concealed Carry Myths Forever


There are too many misconceptions out there about carrying concealed handguns for protection. People are saying things about handguns and those who own them that simply are not true. So it’s our job to spread the truth about some of the myths about people who own a firearm for protection.

Myth #1 The only people who carry concealed are old guys who live out in the sticks.
There is a stereotype out there that the only people with guns in America are old conservative white guys in rural America. The media does a pretty good job of portraying gun owners as thoughtless conservatives who love nothing more than firing at anything that moves. The truth is much different.

Recent surveys have shown increasing numbers of women that own guns. The number of women who go hunting has increased 85% since 2001 and the number of female target shooters increased 60%. Not only are there increasing number of women gun owners, but they’re safe and certified as well. According to the National Shooting Sports Foundation, 73% of female gun owners have taken at least one firearms training class and 43% of them go target shooting at least once a month. (CTPost)

Certified firearms instructors are reporting big increases in the number of not only women, but also minorities who are attending their classes (The Truth About Guns). Urban areas, such as Detroit for example, are seeing an uptick in registered gun ownership as well. The increase in law-abiding citizens in urban areas like Detroit owning firearms has resulted in a decrease in incidents like robbery, car jacking, and break-ins (The Daily Caller).

Myth#2 Concealed carry will turn America into the Wild West.
There is this idea out there that increases in citizens carrying concealed will result in shootouts in the street, road rage killings, and more crime in general. Detroit isn’t the only major city that’s experiencing lower crime rates in relation to increases in concealed carry permit holders. Chicago police department statistics from 2014 reported declines in both robberies and motor vehicle theft. As of July 2014, Illinois had received over 80,000 concealed carry permit applications (The Washington Times)

Last year was yet another in a decade long trend of decreasing crime rates in most major U.S. cities. Murder rates in Philadelphia, Chicago, and Dallas (just to name a few) have all been returning to rates not seen since the 1970s (The Washington Times). Criminologists are careful to report that it’s impossible to say exactly what factors contribute to the drop, as it could be a combination of a few elements. We like to think that the rise from around 2.7 million concealed carry permit holders in 2007 to over 11 million in 2014 (Crime Prevention Research Center) had a little something to do with it.

The truth is that more and more people in America are choosing to arm themselves with a concealed handgun. People of many different geographic areas, social backgrounds, races, and ages are deciding to take personal safety into their own hands. This doesn’t mean that they are using the guns for nefarious purposes. Largely, they obey the laws of the state and country in which they live. They attend certification classes and hold legal permits to own and carry firearms.

The best way to continue to prove these myths incorrect is to continue to be (and influence younger generations to be) responsible, safe, and practiced gun owners. Practice regularly, obtain proper certification, and demonstrate all of the safety precautions necessary to keep yourself and your loved ones secure.




