Three Reasons to Carry Concealed



A lot of people would love to live in a perfect world where crime is never committed, and you do not have to worry about protecting yourself or your loved ones.  Unfortunately, this is not the world we live in. People do crazy things, violence happens in the most unsuspecting places, it is important to plan ahead and be prepared to protect yourself.  Below are three reasons to carry concealed so you can save your life when an attacker strikes.

  1. Many police agencies are slashing their budgets and do not have the manpower to effectively keep their communities safe.  In Josephine County, Oregon last year, a woman called 911 as her ex-boyfriend was breaking into her home.  The 911 dispatcher informed the woman there were no deputies available to help her, and said, “You know, obviously, if he comes inside the residence and assaults you, can you ask him to go away?”  Even if you live an area that is well staffed, you simply cannot rely on authorities to arrive in time to save your life.  You must take control of your own safety and survival.

  2. Open carry tips off would-be attackers that you are armed, and makes those uneducated about firearms nervous.  Not only can criminals now figure out the best approach to disarm you before they attack, but regular citizens often call the police anytime they see a firearm in public nowadays.  When the police show up, you have to deal with all their questions, possibly being temporarily detained before they figure out who you are and if you can legally carry the firearm.  Avoid being quickly disarmed by criminals and the hassle with citizens calling the police by carrying your firearm concealed. As we say in our training video, do not tell anyone in public that you are carrying.

  3. It is your constitutional right.  While there are several states that will make you jump through hoops to exercise your right, if you want to protect yourself in public and are comfortable carrying a firearm, you should.  Just as you exercise your right to vote, you should feel proud to exercise the right to carry.  Unlike voting, you are able to exercise your right every single day, and it may literally save your life.


These are just three of many reasons why law abiding citizens should carry concealed.  You have the right to protect yourself and your loved ones, and you should take that right seriously.  If you require additional training, our safety video is available for free, 24 hours a day.


