What to Know about ‘Printing’ While Carrying Concealed


Concealed means concealed. For anyone armed for self-defense, it’s crucial that a firearm stay out of sight at all times.

Sometimes, there’s nothing you can do to stop an outline of a firearm from showing under your shirt. But, if you take reasonable steps to conceal and secure your firearm, it is unlikely that anyone will be aware that you’re armed

1 – Don’t Draw Attention to Your CCW

If you’re constantly paranoid about printing and you keep touching your concealed weapon, people are probably going to suspect that you’ve got something hidden under your clothes.

Avoid wearing tight clothing that will clearly show the outline of your gun. It may be necessary to wear a slightly bigger pant size to accommodate your CCW. Before you leave the house, check yourself in the mirror to make sure your CCW is not obviously visible.

If you act like nothing’s there and you don’t draw attention to your CCW, people are unlikely to notice, even if you have a visible print. If they do happen to notice, they’ll have no reason to just assume it’s a firearm.

2 – Know the Applicable Laws

Because laws vary from state to state, it is important that you’re aware of your state’s concealed carry laws. In most states, you’ll be fine as long as you make a legitimate effort to keep your firearm concealed. Read up on the applicable laws before you carry concealed.

When you’re informed, you can carry with confidence.

3 – Get the Right Gear

A good holster and gun belt will keep your CCW close to your body, making it easier to avoid excessive printing. They will also keep your gun from moving around, so you’ll be less likely to worry about it becoming visible as you go about your day.

4 – Carry Every Single Day

The simple fact is that the more you carry, the more comfortable you’ll feel. You’ll know how your holstered firearm looks under a wide variety of clothing and you’ll know what body positions may make it visible.

You’ll also cut back on the amount of attention you divert to the gun. After consistent carry and training you’ll know it’s there and will be able to draw without thinking.

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