We recently wrote about the Concealed Carry Reciprocity Act of 2017. We remain confident that sooner or later this or a similar bill will pass.
We’ve heard from people who tell us that they’re holding out on getting a concealed carry permit on the hopes that the national reciprocity bill will pass. Well, we’re here to tell you not to wait.
Why not? Because if the national reciprocity bill DOES pass, you still need to have a permit in order to be legal! If you get your permit now through VirginiaConcealed.com, you’ll be legally permitted to carry in 28 states for non-residents! If you don’t have a permit now, you can’t legally carry in ANY states!
If you already have a permit, and this national reciprocity bill passes, you’ll automatically be legal to carry across the nation. So why wait?
The permit from Virginia for non-residents is currently the best option as far as online permits go. It takes a little time to get the permit through the state so you should get it now.
This national reciprocity bill is a top priority for the NRA and many gun people have been waiting for it to take affect, particular now with a Trump presidency.
Here’s how it works… watch the video on VirginiaConcealed.com and take the test after the video. This qualifies you for your safety training certification that is required by the state of Virginia. You don’t pay unless you pass the test. Take that certification to your state and apply for the permit. Then wait for the permit to arrive. It’s pretty simple and then you can legally carry in nearly half the states as soon as your permit goes through. So why wait?! Click this link to visit VirginiaConcealed.com and get certified now.