Why You Should Join a Gun Club


Chances are, at some point in your life, you’ve belonged to a club of some sort. Maybe it was chess club or the football team in high school. Maybe you were on the tennis team or in a sorority. Maybe you enjoy the fellowship of your church. These are all clubs of sorts, people with similar interests or talents coming together to strengthen their skills or just enjoy like-minded folk.

Perhaps some of you already belong to a gun club. If you’ve considered it, maybe you just need a little push. Here are some of the many reasons why you should join a gun club.

-It’s fun being around other gun enthusiasts and concealed carriers. You have a lot to talk about.
-Many clubs offer members the opportunity to try new-to-you guns. Members can swap guns at the range, giving you a chance to experience a firearm you might otherwise not have access to.
-Local gun clubs are a great resource for all kinds of shooters. Depending on where you live, you may find some very specialized clubs. Most of them have websites and Facebook groups. They are easily found online.
-More socializing leads to more gun talk, which leads to discussion about technique. This provides an opportunity to teach and be taught.
-You can find your spot. There are women’s gun clubs, LGBT gun clubs, Christian gun clubs, Jewish gun clubs, men’s gun clubs, family clubs. Hey, you could join all of the above, as many of them are not exclusive. If you don’t find your happy spot, form your own gun club based upon your own experience, principles and desire to improve your skills with like-minded people.
-Group rates. Check with local ranges. They often offer discounts to gun clubs based on volume.
-Some ranges offer special hours for gun groups. This may mean convenience for you to practice before or after public hours.
-Some gun clubs frequently offer tactical training drills and other education at a fair price.
-Some gun club fees are as low as $25 per month with no annual membership fee; others are $2,000 per month. Some are nonprofit and require no fees at all.

You just might have a lot of options, depending on your geography. And if you don’t have options, make them. The fellowship of concealed carry and the Second Amendment can bridge many waters. One way to start is to gather together, and then reach out from there.

