Wisconsin Might Become Constitutional Carry State


Wisconsin lawmakers are considering a wide-ranging piece of gun legislation introduced by two Wisconsin Republicans. The bill would also remove the state’s ban on tasers and allow some people to bring guns onto school grounds.

LRB 2039 is known as the “Right to Carry Bill”. (LRB means Legislative Reference Bureau.) Language about guns being allowed on school grounds was meant to ease the restriction on parents with concealed weapons who are currently breaking the law if they have their gun on them while they are picking their children up from school. Overall, the bill would make Wisconsin a constitutional carry state that would allow people to carry guns without having to receive a license from the state.

The state already has a policy that allows people to openly carry without training or permits, so this bill is just bringing the concealed weapons policy in line with that. “Under this bill, if you are legally allowed to own a handgun, you can carry it concealed — no license, no fees, no government hoops to jump through,” said Rep. Mary Felzkowski (R-Irma) in a statement.  Felzkowski wrote the bill along with Sen. David Craig (R-Town of Vernon).

Wisconsin’s governor has said he supports the Second Amendment but has not as of this writing made a statement about whether or not he supports LRB 2039.

